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*Adrienne is dating the lead singer of the Goo Goo Dolls, Johnny Reznick.
* She once lived in Manhattan, NY.
* She got her grandfather Hal Curtis and his sister Barbara a gig on B&B playing an old married couple.
* She took SID on a tour through her new dreamhouse a while ago. The house is a three story Spanish house which perches over a Los Angeles overlook and has separate entrances for both herself and her mother Vicki (who lives on the ground level of the house, built in 1925). Adrienne loves the arrangement, as her mother is close by but each of them is able to maintain her privacy. Adrienne plans to build a recording studio in a crafts room in the house, and she may add a spiral staircase from her area to her mom´s... and in the meantime, she is enjoying docorating the place, including adding a glass chandelier she bought while B&B was in Venice.
* When asked who of her co-stars has taught her the most Adrienne´s answer was Susan Flannery (Stephanie). She feels that Susan is an amazing actress who have taught her a lot with her ability to play scenes at many levels without going overboard.
* She noticed that ever since the truth about little Eric came out the Amber and not Kimberly is the one always crying. She tells SID that all the crying scenes have literally left her drained dry, to the point where she wonders if she has any tears left. And in order to keep her eyes from getting puffy, she uses a combination of cucumber pads, gel masks and eye cream when she´s off the set.
* Her idea of a perfect Valentine day is for her man to blindfold her and drive her up to a beautiful mountaintop meadow where they would share a romantic picnic meal.
* If you ever watch Amber on screen, you´ve seen her in an assortment of different looking outfits... and off camera Adrienne is a lot like Amber in that regard. Adrienne recently was amazed at how much clothing she had accumulated when she was packing to move into her new house she bought last year. In addition to brand names like Bebe, DKNY and XOXO, she tells SID, she can also get comfortable in a pair of grungy jeans and a t-shirt. She likes to shop on Los Angeles´ trendy Melrose avenue, and she has even tried on-line shopping. However, she found herself facing connection problems when she ordered from the Internet, so she decided to try calling the company´s toll free # instead.
* She isn´t so much into present buying, although she does put up stockings in her home for her cats. One thing she did this year to try to bring a little more fun to presents was to start a Secret Santa exchange among her castmates; this way, everyone who participates gets one gift and doesn´t have to worry about buying for so many people.
* She and Marissa Tait (Becky) are best buddies off the set and she and Susan Flannery (Stephanie) is also close.